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EmblaArginine Cardio Care

New and  Improved, Complete

Arginine Formula!

“You are as old as your arteries are stiff.”

(The above statement, referring to arterial stiffness, and that arterial wall flexibility is a hallmark of being young, is attributed to Dr. William Osler of John Hopkins University)

What Our Embla Arginine Products Are:

They are complete nitric oxide production boosting, arginine formulations:

  • they contain arginine and citrulline in Nobel prize winner recommended proportions,
  • plus ingredients to help the body heal its endothelial cells
  • and protect your body against free radical degradation.

Why Should You Consume Our Embla Arginine Powders:

The basic reason is to help optimize and preserve cardiovascular health, brain processing speed and youthful hormone levels (these are three of the four pillars of a productive and healthy body).

Our arginine plus powders provide the following four major benefits:

  1. Repair Endothelial Cells — these cells form the thin lining of heart and blood vessels) so that they produced nitric oxide from food so that your cardiovascular system stays young and healthy. Endothelial cells are constantly being damaged by free radicals and bacteria.
  2. Relax Blood Vessels — with each each heart beatso that blood stroke volume is optimized and every cell is better oxygenated, nourished and detoxified
  3. Promote Faster Wound Healing and Workout Recovery — by increasing Human Growth Hormone which stimulates tissues to repair.
  4. Promote Healthy Levels of Youthful Hormones — so you feel younger, and your muscles and skin tissue stays thicker.

Without Embla Arginine, You Are Growing Older and Losing Your Arterial Elasticity

Your Nitric Oxide Production is Going Down

nitric oxide production declining with age

Your Arteries Are Losing Their Elasticity

progressive loss of nitric oxide production

Why is Maintaining High Nitric Oxide So Important for Anti-Aging and Avoiding Chronic Disease?

A key to avoiding cardiovascular disease is having a supple and undamaged Elastica Interna which is an arterial muscle layer that runs the whole length of an artery and that tightens and relaxes with each heart beat — assisting blood to flow through the artery.

Endothelial cells are the layer above that protect that muscle.

blood vessel cross section

Nitric oxide helps endothelial cells withstand free radicals and signals the underlying elastic interna to relax with each heartbeat to allow blood to flow more readily through the body.

Nitric Oxide's importance to health and "how the body makes it" were discovered by three Americans who were awarded a Nobel Prize in 1998 for their independent research into cardiovascular function.


One way that Nitric Oxide is made in the human body is from the amino acid L-Arginine. It is manufactured in the all important endothelial cells (the interior, one-cell thick lining of arteries, veins and capillaries).

Because Nitric Oxide is a gaseous molecule it can move through membranes and signal the elastica interna muscle to relax. It signals the elastic interna to relax each time the heart beats. Additionally, it is associated with blood vessel lining (endothelial cell) maintenance, helping them to self-repair — and remain smooth and healthy. Thus, Nitric Oxide production is absolutely essential for a healthy cardiovascular system.

Nitric Oxide is produced optimally if there is plenty of Arginine is in the bloodstream and if endothelial cells (the one cell thick lining of arteries, veins and capillaries) are in good working order.

Unfortunately, many people don't eat correctly in order to allow free Arginine to exist in their blood stream and also have damaged endothelial cells. That combination is a recipe for cardiovascular problems. If endothelial cells are in a damaged condition (which is the case for most people over the age of 50) then the endothelial cells won't be able to produce Nitric Oxide in appreciable amounts until they are repaired. That's why most arginine supplements have limited value. They can't work well until endothelial cells are repaired! 


More About Why Embla Arginine will work better than other Arginine or Citrulline products:

Embla Arginine products contain Banaba Root, Chromium, Vanadium, B-Vitamins, Choline and Curcumin that help the body to repair damaged Endothelial cells. This is extremely important because damaged endothelial cells will manufacture relatively little Nitric Oxide compared to undamaged endothelial cells.

Our Embla Arginine products contain extra ingredients that help neutralize free radicals. This is important because free radicals will otherwise damage endothelial cells. Damaged, endothelial cells cannot manufacture nitric oxide very well, and worse yet, plaque gets deposited into the damaged areas and that plaque then begins to build and arteries begin to narrow and harden.

Embla Arginine has nutrients that the body can use to  help it maintain more normal blood sugar by repairing Leptin and Insulin receptors so that glucose can more readily leaves the blood stream. High blood sugar is damaging to endothelial cells just as much as (or possibly more so) than free radicals. Keeping blood sugar in a normal range is exceedingly important to maintaining healthy endothelial cells.

The ratio of Arginine to Citrulline in Embla Arginine formulations is 8 to 1.

Many Arginine products have too much Citrulline, with ratios of 5 to 1 (Arginine to Citrulline), or even 2 to 1, 1 to 1, or 1 to 2, resulting in high levels of Arginine for a large part of every 24 hour period. Evidently, many formulators think that this is helpful because Citrulline helps "spent Arginine" to be recycled in the kidneys back into Arginine and again to produce more Nitric Oxide.

What these formulators seem to not understand is that Arginine and Lysine are competitors for cellular absorption, meaning that if the level of Arginine is high for too long a period of time in each 24 hour period, then the level of Lysine in the body will go down. When Lysine is too low one's immune system can be weakened. We believe that the perfect ratio of Arginine to Citrulline has been achieved in Embla Arginine.

In other words, Embla Arginine products do the entire job of helping to make the cardiovascular system young and healthy, and without lowering Lysine levels.

Meet the Ingredients in Embla Arginine That Make You Younger and Healthier:

Embla Arginine contains ingredients that stimulate the Pituitary Gland and Hypothalamus to make hormones such as testosterone and human growth hormone. Embla Arginine also stimulates Hypothalamus repair and the production of chemicals that enable faster wound healing, thicker healthier skin, eyes and tissue of all types. All of this makes the body biologically "younger and healthier".

  • Arginine and Citrulline: pharmaceutical grade L-Arginine and Citrulline Malate. We include 5,000 mg per serving of L-Arginine, but only 600 mg of Citrulline Malate so that Arginine recycling does not continue long enough to lower Lysine levels. By restricting the amount of Citrulline to the amounts recommended by the Nobel Prize winners who discovered Nitric Oxide benefits, Lysine levels are not impacted. Other formulations with higher levels of Citrulline can cause a drop in Lysine levels in the body.
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): Without adequate amounts of Vitamin B1, endothelial cells are very susceptible (especially the brain and circulatory system) to damage.
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) : Vitamin B2 is essential to epithelial cell function and helps protect against homocysteine damage to endothelial cells of blood vessels.
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin): the lack of Niacin is a strong predictor of arterial damage.
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): Vitamin B5 is essential to making healthy endothelial cells in brain capillaries. Nitric Oxide also helps the brain function better.
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): Vitamin B6 helps ensure delivery of Oxygen to cells and is essential to correct epithelial cell function. Persons with low levels of Vitamin B6 have almost double the risk of heart disease. Along with Vitamin B12 it helps prevent cognitive decline.

Embla Arginine Protocols - How to Use Embla Arginine for Different Purposes:

* Always consume Embla Arginine on an empty stomach, which means eating no food for two hours before and for one hour afterwards.

Cardiovascular Benefits
Daytime Protocol — For Cardiovascular Benefits

The recommended usage described below is for persons desiring to increase cardiovascular integrity.


In order to achieve cardiovascular benefits:

  1. Dissolve one scoop of Cardio Care or Cardio Pro (providing 5 grams of elemental L-Arginine) into a glass of water (any amount of 2 to 12 ounces)
  2. Water can be warm or cold, depending on preference
  3. Do not use juice or any kind of flavored water
  4. Stir and then allow to sit for a minute or two before drinking
  5. Drink on an empty stomach (no food for two hours previously) and wait 45 minutes before consuming any food or drink containing sugars or proteins. At any time of the day is good. An ideal time, however, is shortly after waking up in the morning or just before retiring to bed.

Importance of Timing With Other Food/Drink:

Ideally, no food, vitamins, drugs are to be consumed for two hours prior and 45 minutes afterwards. If this recommendation is not followed, the benefits will not be fully obtained. May be taken one to three times daily.

Benefits from this recommended usage:
  1. Helps produce Nitric-Oxide
  2. Boosts energy
  3. Reduction/oxidation benefits
  4. Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels
  5. Helps repair and improve endothelial cell functioning for better cardiovascular health
  6. Promotes healthy sexual performance
  7. Functions as an Adaptogen to improve all cellular and intracellular signaling in the body
Nighttime Protocol — For Anti aging and Hormone Boosting Benefits

The recommended usage described below is for persons desiring to obtain anti aging benefits, including regaining youthful hormone levels and neurological activity:


In order to achieve anti aging benefits:

  1. Dissolve two scoops of Cardio Care or Cardio Pro (providing 10 grams of elemental L-Arginine) into a glass of water (12 to 24 ounces)
  2. Water can be warm or cold, depending on preference
  3. Do not use juice or any kind of flavored water
  4. Stir and then let sit for two minutes before drinking
  5. Drink just before going to sleep at night, on an empty stomach (no food for two hours previously)

Importance of Timing With Other Food/Drink:

Ideally, no food, vitamins, drugs are to be consumed for two hours prior and one hour afterwards. If this recommendation is not followed, the benefits will not be fully obtained. The minimum space between food intake and Cardio Care or Cardio Pro intake must be at least 30 minutes or it will be a waste of product and money.

Benefits from this recommended usage:
  1. Helps produce Nitric-Oxide (NO)
  2. Helps repair and improve endothelial cell functioning for better cardiovascular health
  3. Stimulates production of human anti-aging mechanisms in persons over 23
  4. Enhances muscle mass
  5. Supports muscle growth and development
  6. Aids in decreasing body fat
  7. Reduction/oxidation benefits
  8. Boosts energy
  9. Promotes healthy sexual performance
  10. More significantly provides the building blocks needed in order for the body to maintain its own healthy growth hormone levels
athletic benefits
For Athletic Benefits

The recommended usage described below is for people wanting to increase muscle mass, increase strength, reduce adipose tissue body fat and shorten recuperation time. You may wish to review this L-Arginine documentation specifically for athletes.


In order to achieve athletic benefits:

  1. Dissolve two to three scoops of Cardio Care or Cardio Pro (providing 10 to 15 grams of elemental L-Arginine) into a glass of water (16 to 32 ounces)
  2. Water can be warm or cold, depending on preference
  3. Do not use juice or any kind of flavored water
  4. Stir and then allow to sit for two minutes before drinking
  5. Drink 20 minutes before intense exercise, on an empty stomach (no food for two hours previously and 45 minutes afterwards)

Importance of Timing With Other Food/Drink:

Take 20 minutes before the peak of exercise/workout.

Ideally, no food, vitamins, drugs are to be consumed for two hours prior and 45 minutes afterwards. If this recommendation is not followed, the benefits will not be fully obtained. May be taken once or twice per day.


  1. Enhances and stimulates muscle mass
  2. Supports muscle growth
  3. Aids in decreasing body fat
  4. Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels
  5. Helps boost energy
  6. Helps repair and improve endothelial cell functioning
  7. Helps promote healthy sexual performance
  8. Helps provide the building blocks necessary for the body to maintain its own healthy growth hormone levels
  9. Helps produce Nitric-Oxide
For Fat Burning Benefits
fat burning mode versus fat storing

The recommended usage described below is for people wanting to reduce adipose tissue body fat.


In order to achieve fat-burning benefits:

  1. Dissolve one scoop of Cardio Care or Cardio Pro (providing 5 grams of elemental L-Arginine) into a glass of water (2 to 12 ounces)
  2. Water can be warm or cold, depending on preference
  3. Do not use juice or any kind of flavored water
  4. Stir and then allow to sit for two minutes before drinking
  5. Drink on an empty stomach (no food for two hours previously and 45 minutes afterwards).
  6. Can be drunk any time of day, but fat burning is enhanced if drunk just prior to, during, or immediately afterward exercise.

Importance of Timing With Other Food/Drink:

Drink just before exercise.

Ideally, no food, vitamins, drugs are to be consumed for two hours prior and 45 minutes afterwards. If this recommendation is not followed, the benefits will not be fully obtained. May be taken once or twice per day.


  1. Aids in decreasing body fat
  2. Antioxidant benefits
  3. Helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels
  4. Boosts energy
  5. Functions as an Adaptogen to improve all cellular and intracellular signaling in the body


Although L-Arginine is found in most foods, certain persons must not use L-Arginine supplements without express authorization from their physician. These include, but are not limited to persons with prostate cancer, persons with ocular or brain herpes, persons with kidney or liver dysfunction, anyone under the age of 23, or pregnant and nursing women. See additional safety information.

What happened to the Embla Arginine Cardio Care Version?

We no longer offer two versions of our renowned Embla Arginine, and are keeping only Cardio Pro. The difference between the two versions was so minute, that we no longer offer the Cardio Care. Cardio Pro is simply the best Arginine on the earth whether for athletes or sedentary people just trying to maintain a younger, more youthful, healthier body.


Embla Arginine Ordering Form

Comparative Retail Price: $69.95
Our Price: $54.95 per canister.


Embla Arginine Supplement Facts

Cardio Care Supplement Facts
Cardio Care

How to Use

We recommend taking one to three scoops on an empty stomach and then waiting 1 hour before consuming other food.

The number of scoops depends upon the particular protocol. See protocol information above.

Cautions: Arginine is not safe for everyone, so please consult your healthcare provider before using. It should not be used by persons with prostate cancer, persons with ocular or brain herpes, persons with kidney or liver dysfunction, anyone under the age of 23, or pregnant and nursing women. See additional safety information.

Cardio Pro Supplement Facts
Cardio Pro

How to Use

We recommend taking one to three scoops on an empty stomach and then waiting 1 hour before consuming other food.

The number of scoops depends upon the particular protocol. See protocol information above.

Cautions: Arginine is not safe for everyone, so please consult your healthcare provider before using. It should not be used by persons with prostate cancer, persons with ocular or brain herpes, persons with kidney or liver dysfunction, anyone under the age of 23, or pregnant and nursing women. See additional safety information.

Embla Arginine - Frequently Asked Questions

What is the proper way to take L-Arginine in order to obtain a nitric oxide release?

The answer is — at a different time than Lysine.

If Arginine and Lysine are consumed together, these two amino acids compete for uptake into the body, and so if consumed together, the benefits of neither are received.

The matter of receiving Arginine benefits boils down to having Arginine go into the blood stream at a different time than Lysine (approximately 2 hours apart from each other). This seems simple enough, but the reality is that most foods contain a significant amount of both Arginine and Lysine. Therefore, we recommend no other foods be aten for two hours before and one hour after consuming an Arginine supplement, so that Arginine uptake and nitric oxide manufacturing is best assured.

Healthy Endothelial Cells

The other element of ensuring ample Nitric Oxide production is having endothelial cells that are in good working order. That's why Embla Arginine includes ingredients that help repair and maintain endothelial cells.

What Are Specific Benefits of Arginine?

  • Arginine helps enable fat burning
  • Arginine improves immune function
  • Arginine helps improve hormone signaling and production
  • Arginine builds muscle mass
  • Arginine helps to increase bone density
  • Arginine reduces healing time of injuries particularly bones when they break as in Osteoporosis
  • Arginine furnishes antioxidant properties
  • Arginine increases energy levels
  • Arginine helps to naturally reduce blood pressure
  • Arginine helps reduce risk of heart disease, stroke and cholesterol
  • Arginine helps improve blood flow through arteries
  • Arginine is a natural alternative for Viagra and also works for women
  • Arginine helps with achieving and maintaining erections

Has there been any research to confirm the effectiveness of Arginine?

There has been a great deal of research and ongoing study of Arginine for over 30 years. A Nobel prize and over 10,000 citations exist for the effectiveness of Arginine in producing cardiovascular and other health benefits.

What are the benefits for increasing testosterone, especially in older men?

One of the biggest complaints of older men is in the area of sexual dysfunction and that relates to testosterone. Reduced testosterone levels, also, are correlated to high blood pressure, heart attacks, lessened levels of all hormones, a propensity to catch colds and, in general, lessened happiness. So, when men get older and their hormones start declining, they are not as happy.

Fortunately, it is possible to boost hormone levels without any side effects by supplementing with L-Arginine. Also, fortunately, there are few, if any, side-effects. Arginine is a natural amino acid that when consumed apart from other amino acids, will tell the pituitary gland to make its own natural hormones, giving the same testosterone levels that men had when they were young. Arginine is not testosterone, it is simply triggering the body to produce it’s own natural testosterone and that is the key to not having any side effects.

There is a correlation between testosterone levels and sexual desire, increased sexual performance and fertility in regards to both male and females. And, in males, increased arginine levels also produce increased sperm counts.

Erectile dysfunction is a problem for 50% of the male population over 40, which is related to low testosterone and diminished blood flow. L-Arginine scores a direct hit in helping in both of these areas. This is why many reproductive clinics and reproductive endocrinologists now use L-Arginine in their practices with virtually all their patients.

Isn’t Arginine Just an Amino Acid Present in Nearly All Food?

That depends on one’s point of view... laser light could be called just light, but it is far more than just "light" in what it can do. Here’s why Arginine is special:

  • When Arginine is eaten by itself (away from the other amino acids so as to avoid Arginine / Lysine competition), it takes on the ability to produce many remarkable results, including the ability to release nitric oxide into the body, the ability to promote wound healing, HGH release, improve immune function and improve sexual function.
  • These properties have been validated by the scientific community including receiving the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1998. Columbia University refers to it as the “magic bullet” in human health. In an effort to document its many properties, Columbia’s researchers have compiled over 10,000 citations. A study of the phenomenon of Arginine is even included in the course material at the Columbia University of Medical Physicians and Surgeons. The key is taking Arginine in a specific way, namely, apart from Lysine.

Does It Really Matter Which Arginine Formulation I Use?

Yes!... and no! Here's some thoughts about varying formulations or Arginine rich foods:

  • Arginine is good for you, period! You could just dissolve Arginine powder in water and drink (but, plain Arginine tastes awful)... and you will benefit significantly. Or, you could eat large amounts of pine nuts or walnuts (two hours apart from other foods) since they are high in Arginine and low in Lysine, and you will get Arginine benefits from food.
  • Nitric oxide production can be improved by adding Citrulline as Citrulline helps recycle Arginine, extending the Nitric Oxide generating time from 20 minutes to an hour or more.
  • Be aware that Arginine marketers are too exuberant about their products and their unique formulas. Some vendors tout Arginine hydrochloride, Arginine alpha-ketoglutarate or Arginine ester-chloride versions of Arginine, or different ratios of Arginine to Citrulline as being the "best". One particular Arginine formulator condemns all Arginine formulations except her own as being highly dangerous stating that only her formula will not potentially cause sterility, heart failure, and other maladies that she warns can result from consumption of competing Arginine products. In other words, the Arginine market place can be confusing.
  • The best way to navigate the Arginine arena is to believe the main "thrust" of science, which is that taking any Arginine is better than taking none.
  • Beyond the general recommendation to consume Arginine regularly, we believe that plain Arginine can be improved in effectiveness by a small amount of Citrulline. Too much Citrulline or a Citrulline only formulation, however, is not so good as that will reduce Lysine levels. The reason for the loss of Lysine is that Arginine and Lysine compete for uptake in the body, and, therefore, one should ensure that Lysine has long periods of time for absorption, too. Depressed Lysine levels in one's body would lower immune system capabilities and could lead to viral activations. Other than this warning about getting too much Citrulline, any Arginine is good. So, you should just buy an Arginine and take it. Whichever brand of Arginine you use will be better than not using one at all. Remember, however, you should consult with your medical professional before embarking on any supplementation regimen.
  • Our formulation does specifically endeavor to improve cardiovascular health with the inclusion of ingredients that will improve the health of the endothelial cells (that's the place where Nitric Oxide is manufactured) and where cardiovascular disease can occur. We think of our product as not merely being an Arginine supplement, but as being a complete cardiovascular health restoring protocol. If, however, you already have another Arginine product in your cupboard or refrigerator, then take it, because in the words of General George Patton, a good plan executed now is better than a perfect plan executed later. But, when you run out of that product, get our product. We believe that you’ll like it better and get better health results.

How does L-Arginine Supplementation (Away from Other Amino Acids) Help in Terms of Slowing Down or Reversing Aging?

Arginine helps in many ways.

  • First, it helps both the circulatory system and the muscles maintain integrity and flexibility. Loss of this flexibility is a hallmark of an old body.
  • Second, Arginine is a signaling molecule and is key to nearly every process of life, energy production, thinking, immune function and much more. A slow down in these processes is also associated with aging.
  • Third, Arginine helps the body’s cells stay optimally hydrated. “Drying out” (literally) is also a common hallmark of aging.
  • Fourth, as part of the aging process the human body begins to slow down in its production of youth hormones. In fact, one of the clinical definitions of aging involves the reduction of youth hormones. Growth hormone, testosterone and IGF factors are the primary anti-aging hormones and they are directly involved in the aging process. In our youth the hormones account for: muscle tone, bone and skin growth, reduced stored body fat, energy and sexual stamina. These hormones keep us young (beautiful, lean and strong) when they are present in our bodies in high levels. Upon reaching the age of 23, the levels of these hormones begin to go down. As the level of these anti-aging hormones reduces in our body we begin the natural process of aging – we look and feel older. One of the amazing properties of L-Arginine is its capacity to stimulate the body's production of growth hormone, testosterone, and IGF back to the same level as it did in its youth. This product is a dream come true for the “baby boomer’s” just now stepping into old age. Quite literally, one can administer Arginine to an 80 or 90 year old person and they will begin to produce youth hormones that help keep the skin tight, the body healthy and lean, increase muscle mass, and improve immune function – all of which typically decline after the age of 23. To achieve the maximum youth-preserving effect, we recommend using either Cardio Care and Cardio Pro according to our anti aging protocol.

Copyright 2002 - 2024. All rights reserved.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. No product mentioned herein is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before making any lifestyle change, including trying a new product or food.

The information on this website is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of the Healthy-Living.Org staff and contributors. It is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and it is not intended as medical advice. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for modification of any medication regimen. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before starting or discontinuing any medication, or if you suspect you have a health problem. You should keep in mind that cited references to ongoing nutritional scientific study are most likely not accepted by the FDA as conclusive. These references and mentions of benefits experienced by others are disavowed as product claims and are only included for educational value and as starting points for your own research. No food or supplement can be considered safe for all individuals. What may benefit 999,999 of a million people may harm you. Therefore, no one can take responsibility for your health except you in concert with your trusted health professional.